Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Stamp posters on trees
Light poles
Milk cartons
Door to Door
Searchin’ for…..

The woman I used to be
She was much more real
Not just a stupid, stereotypical copy

Used to search for real love
Spiritual love
Love that makes you hear music
Love that makes you proud
Not ashamed

I miss her
Cry for her
See her in my sleep
The woman I used to be
So lonely
But far more content

But I lost her
Buried under years for dirt
A creature of habit drug her away
And picked her bones clean

She let disappointment turn to frustration
Frustration to resentment
Resentment to anger
Anger to prison
Tried to trap a man trapped herself

Its time to revive her
The woman who loved life and didn’t run from it
The one in happy solitude
The “single friend”
She was a trip
And she didn’t take SHIT from a man

Ima find her......